Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bethany said I need to write more blogs, so I will!

So, I can not sleep. Mostly because I am exhausted. It makes no sense.These pics are old, but they were on Jason's camera and I forgot about them, so I put them up for fun!
What should I blog about? Let's see. Well, since my normal babysitter is off island until September, I am winging it. I am working from home, getting into the office when I do have the opportunity, and just trusting God that he will bring me through this. I don't have anyone over my shoulder, but still my sales will speak for themselves and then I will have someone to answer to, the owner! Yikes. Nah. Today though my good friend Shannon watched Abby. (She is doing it tomorrow too). It is only a temporary fix, but great! She is SO amazing with Abby. She has a 2 year old little girl, and they play and play all day. They are both pretty relaxed girls, go-with-the-flow. They colored, and snacked, and all took a walk to the coffee shop. Shannon told me today was great! I was a little jealous not being there too. Since I have been with Abs so much, I was sad. She was not sad, she blew kisses and used the little stroller and toys that she adores that we don't have. So, it made it easier for me to go. I got home, Jason had picked her up. I had gotten a ton done at the office, so I came home ready to be with my girl. We played and watered the plants. We read some books and then she said 'Nine-nite'. She walked into her room. She was just ready, ready for bed! I love this abnormal and wonderful baby! Now, 16 months old! STOP GROWING UP! She does not listen though. :)

So, going backwards...Last weekend, the Monte was put to sleep. After 7 long years of service. We drove her all around the country, shipped her to Maui and California and back again. She was a wonderful car, a part of the family. Never had really problems, but the oil leak did her in for good. She only got $1000 for trade in, looked sad, but it had to be done. So, we have a new set of wheels, that I am getting used to. On Saturday we went, traded her in, and got a Mazda CX7. We are Mazda people for sure. I wanted my 3 hatchback again, but they only had one, and they had 0.9% financing on the 7. So, we did it, got the 7. It is beautiful. It's new, shinny, and I don't want to mess it up. So I am super careful. That is the only down side, I have to be more careful than with good ole' Monte. Monte had been through so many bangs, hits, smashes, dings, and lived to tell the story! She always came out like a champ. :( Sad times, but good times too. New memories will be made! I will post a picture of the newbie when I take one. It's silver and black leather on the inside. Sounds fancy, but it came with it. It is actually a 2007, I think that is why it was on special. they had 6 of them, all 2007's that were new.

Anyways, that was that. Mother's day was good. Went to Maui Ocean Center. Abby LOVED it. We took Mahea, our friend and youth-grouper. That made my day. She is a darling, sweet girl. Jason and Abby got me doughnuts, balloon, flowers and kisses. Abby gave me a big wet one. That was my favorite present. :) Jason got me a car, so that was good too.

So, it is midnight now. I think I am getting tired. blogging does kind of relax you. :)

Does anyone really read this??? It feels like I am writing to nobody. Oh well.


Anonymous said...

what a cutie abby is! thanks for thinkin about me and writing a blog. ;)

new car how exciting! but now what will drive when go out there? we cant drive a car that new. 8~)

girl i blog all the time and still feel like i'm talking to myself. one good thing about that is I can be all emotional and honost and still feel like no one knows I'm a big fat baby. :)

Kristian and Katy said...

Yippee yippee yippee!!!!! I cant tell you how happy i am to see updates on the vizthums!!!

i love and miss you and think about you often.

cant wait to catch up!!

Kristian and Katy said...

Yeah, nice to hear from you Vizthums! Look forward to keeping up with your goings on.

Also, how are we doing on that book shipment? :) If they're gone, just let me know. It's cool; we'll still be friends!

Love and Aloha said...

I read your blog. So where's the pics of the new baby? I mean abby's cute and all but really? Put Abby in the car and take a pic. We nosey folk on the mainland need to see what's happening!