Monday, September 29, 2008

What do you think?

Watch and see, I could not get it in here, sorry. Not tech enough.

Fun week ahead...

So, we have a really interesting and fun and different week ahead! Dennis is coming to visit us! Yes, all the way from Washington State. How cool is that. I think that is Jason's first friend to fly out to visit in all these years (4 to be exact). They will go hiking and fishing, snorkeling and go to Hana even. (Abby and I will stay home for that one!)
We will have a good time and just let this be a relaxing time for him. Lots of beach, yummy food, bible/praying, and maybe even a few games. Dennis is a long time friend of Jason's from a very long time ago. He is a very nice person and it will be so great to see him. :)
On to a completely different topic. We are still on a quest. What is 'Church' really. What does the bible say it is and how are we currently doing church different?

So, lets ask what could be a provocative question and see what our friends think...
1. What do you think about Jesus?
2. What do you think about Christians in general?

Answer these weather you are or you are not a Christian.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It would not let me add a picture!!!!!!!!!!

Her flowers were 'candy' and she knew it, she wanted that sucker, and you can see what happend... The Wedding!!!! And below that, the rehersal dinner the night before. Beautiful.

REPRESENTIN' Integral Technologies Maui!!!! I am your little technician daddy.

So here is another atempt at showing you are good friends David and Bethany (like all of our friends that move to Maui, they are moving away!)

Keep pressing on

So a new post is due! Jason is sitting her watching the Matrix. It looks so dated, and it was so cutting edge when it came out. We can't help but comment on it. Well, what is goin' on you are thinking. We are the SAME! Always, just the same. Kind of boring. It is fun for us though. Our friends David and Bethany are in town for a little while, then they go back to Tahoe. Abby just loves them, knows them by name and feels so comfortable with them! It is so cute.

This week coming up 5 kids from our home study are getting baptized. I say kids, but teens is more like it. We are in the book of John and it came across baptism again and more kids inquired. They crave it. The soul longs for a quench it knows it can not get anywhere else. It is cool because we never pressure or ask the kids, just simply read the bible and it gets uncovered in God's time. It has been good. It is always a little exhausting!

(Morphious is beating Keanu Reeves up right now, wowza)

So, we are enjoying friends and just enjoying our family. Abby is so fun and I am loving just spending every second I have with her taking it in. She is more grown up every day. Today she said more words together than ever before. She is turning into a kid from a baby before by very eyes. Although she says when she wants to be held, "I am a baby." Silly stinker.

Ok, bye bye for now.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not very on top of updating this!

Here are some pics while on vacation...

I have been so bad at updating this blog! So sorry. I wish I was one of those people that blogged like every day! :) We are doing well. Jason is going to Denver, CO tonight to the Cedia Expo, which is a HUGE trade show for his business. I am going to miss him so much. He comes back soon though.
I am taking one of the first 'Lunch' breaks I have taken since before Abby. I am still working 3 days a week in the office so I usually jam through lunch or eat really quick with my co-worker. Today I had a client appointment near home so I stopped home for lunch. Then I thought about blogging. :) Abby is not hear so it is quiet, very quiet. She is becoming a chatter box. The talking starts, and you think, "awe, how cute, she said Mama, or book, or shoe". Now it is "Shoe, shoe, shoe, shoe..." a thousand times! I have to bite my tongue so that I don't say the wrong thing. One time I said, "ok, I see it, a SHOE!" and it hurt her feelings! I felt so bad, she cried and I never did that one again. :( So, I am enjoying the quiet right now.
Last night we had bible study planning. I had my agenda about how the evening was going to go, and God had his. I am glad I let myself let it go and go with the flow, because a really great night happened. The 2 kids that were supposed to come over changed and only 1 of them could make it. So we dilly-dallied with Abby in the back seat saying "shoe, shoe, shoe" waiting to see if the other kid wanted to come after his sports thing. He couldn't. So we were heading to pick up the Pizza. Then I realized I better get gas. I am a procrastinator so I was going to try to make it home. Mahea said, "no, let's go get gas". I said ok. So then we were at the gas station and ran into one of the other youth group kids and her mom. I have been wanting to meet her mom. Then she said she could come and we had 2 again.

We had a great time of studying and planning the bible study. We are still doing the Nooma Videos and we did "Noise" , it was how we have so much noise and don't quiet down long enough to listen to God. It was really good. We started these as a Summer thing to do something while kids were sporadically coming. Now they love them! Soon we will be back to studying the book of John, until then we will keep on the Nooma. We LOVE them. I am loving the way Rob Bell takes an approach to teaching. He is wonderful.

Anyway, I am about to head back to the office.

If you are reading this, please pray for Jason's safe return. I am always nervous when we are apart. How could I loose my sweet husband? I would be shattered.

Aloha to you all in computer land. :)