Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Keep pressing on

So a new post is due! Jason is sitting her watching the Matrix. It looks so dated, and it was so cutting edge when it came out. We can't help but comment on it. Well, what is goin' on you are thinking. We are the SAME! Always, just the same. Kind of boring. It is fun for us though. Our friends David and Bethany are in town for a little while, then they go back to Tahoe. Abby just loves them, knows them by name and feels so comfortable with them! It is so cute.

This week coming up 5 kids from our home study are getting baptized. I say kids, but teens is more like it. We are in the book of John and it came across baptism again and more kids inquired. They crave it. The soul longs for a quench it knows it can not get anywhere else. It is cool because we never pressure or ask the kids, just simply read the bible and it gets uncovered in God's time. It has been good. It is always a little exhausting!

(Morphious is beating Keanu Reeves up right now, wowza)

So, we are enjoying friends and just enjoying our family. Abby is so fun and I am loving just spending every second I have with her taking it in. She is more grown up every day. Today she said more words together than ever before. She is turning into a kid from a baby before by very eyes. Although she says when she wants to be held, "I am a baby." Silly stinker.

Ok, bye bye for now.

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